UNIT 1 - Hello, how are you?


Hello, how are you?
Welcome to the first Didactic Unit of the year. Here, you will find resources to have an easy start with English for Year 2 Primary.
We have developed activities that can be structured as :
Introduction/Warm up
Big group activities
Speaking, reading and writing activities.

We have included colours in this presentation/introduction unit to help students to develop communication habilities as colours are a very familiar concept for them.
Hope you enjoy them and find them useful for your everyday tasks. Exelearning will allow you to modify every activity to fullfill your particular needs.


To introduce yourself.
To know and express greetings as a way of interaction with others.
To learn and use colors.


1. Hello/ Goodbye/bye-bye.
2. Yes/No.
3. Colours: blue, green, red, yellow,brown,black,white.
4. What’s your name? I’m …
5. How are you? I am fine
6. Thank you.

Competencias / Resultados de Aprendizaje (FP):

C1Competence in linguistic communication
C4 Competence in processing information and use of ICT
C5 Competence in social skills and citizenship
C7 Learning to learn
C8 Autonomy and personal initiative.

Criterios de Evaluación:

C1 Oral Communication
Has the capacity of answering in a simple way to instructions or asking them for any information: introduce yourself, saying hello, introduce yourself, ask for help or talking about likes.
Has the capacity of participating in an active way in activities in the class.
C3 Reading and Identifying words and sentences
C4 To write words, known expressions and sentences. Be able of writing words, known expressions, and sentences from different models, and based in a previous model.
Daily work:
Performing daily activities proposed with care
Interaction with the group
Communicate ideas
Correct pronunciation and speaking
Correct written texts

En la web:
  1. More feelings flashcards: flashcards
  2. Another good-bye song: song
  3. Rainbow colour song: song
  4. Another rainbow colour song: song
  5. Another game to learn the colours of the rainbow: game
Para saber más:

There are hundreds of media stuff in the web. We have selected the ones that could suit your needs according to this unit. Nevertheless, we encourage you to check internet and look for more resources.
You can find some other great feelings and emotions flashcards. It is better to use the Power point presentation, specially using a whiteboard: http://www.mes-english.com/flashcards/feelings.php
Some other game activities related to colour are:

Propuestas Didácticas