In this unit we’ll learn how to use modals to express changes you consider should be made in society and, more concretely, in the closest world around you at school. In doing so, we’ll also deal with the concepts of happiness, stereotypes and bullying that we’ll tackle through films, debates, comics and even a lipdub.
Let’s get your magic wands ready to change the world!!!
• To read, listen and understand general and specific information of texts.
• To orally express the results of a project in an understandable, adequate and autonomous way.
• To use diverse resources, especially of information technologies and communication, to obtain, select and present information both orally and in written form.
• To become aware of situations that prevent people from enjoying happiness both at school and outside it.
-Use of strategies (such as context, previous knowledge of the situation and identification of key words) ) to understand oral texts.
-Oral production in discussions, debates and presentations.
-Use of strategies to identify the main idea of a text.
-Production of presentation of information using technological devices.
-Correct use of spelling and punctuation.
-Understanding and use of structures and functions appropriate for different situations.
-Organization of individual work as a strategy to make progress in learning.
-Development of attitudes, procedures and strategies that allow groupwork.
-Value the foreign language as a means of communication and of access to information about significant cultural aspects through different sources.
• Linguistic competence
• Digital competence
• Social and civic competence
• Cultural awareness and expression
• Learning to learn
• Ability to organize teamwork in a balanced way.
• Being able to understand and produce texts both individually and in groupwork.
• Ability to transmit the information gathered in a sequenced, clear and original way.
For the final project it could be interesting to do some research on existing projects that may aid them.

In this unit we’ll learn how to use modals to express changes you consider should be made in society and, more concretely, in the closest world around you at school. In doing so, we’ll also deal with the concepts of happiness, stereotypes and bullying that we’ll tackle through films, debates, comics and even a lipdub.
Let’s get your magic wands ready to change the world!!!