This unit will allow us to learn a lot about Halloween celebration. This is a special day, and activities will prepare the students to live this magical day.
We will learn vocabulary and structures as: "Happy Halloween!", "Look there's a/an ...", "I think it´s...", "I think they´re...", "Move like a...", "I go into a haunted house and I see..."
1 To know different cultural aspects through Halloween festival.
2 To learn vocabulary and structures related with the topic.
3 To be able to reproduce everything learnt in the unit in a meaningful context.
1. Halloween, pumkin, monster, wizard, mummy, zombie, a jack o' lantern, trick or treat, candy, a spider web, a haunted house, a black cat, a bat, a ghost, a vampire, a skeleton, a mummy, Frankenstein, a witch, a cauldron, a spider, a werewolf
2. sad, happy, scary, funny,
3. to cut, to colour,
4. It’s Halloween.
5. Trick or treat
6. "Happy Halloween!", "Look there's a/an ...", "I think it´s...", "I think they´re...", "Move like a...", "I go into a haunted house and I see..."
C1Competence in linguistic communication
C6 Cultural and artistic competence
C7 Learning to learn
C8 Autonomy and personal initiative.
C.1 Has the capacity of participating in an active way in activities in the class.
C.2 Have the capacity of getting progressively the idea of a global oral message with the help of gestures and mime.
Are able to recognize and understand key words and basic expressions related with class activities.
C.3 Capacity of Reading words and sentences, reading aloud too and the comprehension of words and sentences, orally previously known.
C.4 To recognise and be able to reproduce aspects such as: Rhythm Entonation and Pronunciation
C.8 To have the capacity of observing and Identify differences and similarities related to our daily life ( time tables, family, free time, games, food, celebrations in countries with a foreign language).
Daily work:
Performing daily activities proposed with care
Interaction with the group
Communicate ideas
Correct pronunciation and speaking
Correct written texts
- There are hundreds of webpages about Halloween. We offer you some of them. Do not hesitate to look for more.
- Some Halloween resources: different activities
- Another resources page: web
- Halloween colouring webpage: colouring
This unit will allow us to learn a lot about Halloween celebration. This is a special day, and activities will prepare the students to live this magical day.
We will earn vocabulary and structures as: "Happy Halloween!", "Look there's a/an ...", "I think it´s...", "I think they´re...", "Move like a...", "I go into a haunted house and I see..."