In this unit you'll work on the food and drink topic, being able not just to learn new vocabulary and expressions through different funny resources (e-adventures, scavenger hunts...) but also to perform in front of an audience or to discover new types of food from other parts of the world.
Enjoy your meal!
- To listen and understand general and specific information of oral and written texts in different communicative situations, showing a respectful and cooperative attitude.
- To orally express and interact in usual communicative situations in an understandable, adequate and partly autonomous way.
- To develop the necessary attitudes, work habits and strategies for the acquisition of the foreign language using all their means at their disposal, such as the collaboration with other people to reach their learning objectives or the use of diverse resources, especially of information technologies and communication, to obtain, select and present information both orally and in written form.
- To become aware of the importance of traditions worldwide.
- Use of strategies (such as context) to understand oral texts, previous knowledge of the situation and identification of key words.
- Oral production and short explanations about vocabulary.
- Use of strategies to identify the main idea of a text.
- Correct use of spelling and punctuation.
- Understanding and use of structures and functions appropriate for different situations.
- Organization of individual work as a strategy to make progress in learning.
- Development of attitudes, procedures and strategies that allow groupwork.
- Value the foreign language as a means of communication and of access to information about significant cultural aspects through different sources.
- Identification of general features and the most significant differences between the customs, uses, attitudes and values of English-speaking-countries and their own.
- Linguistic competence
- Digital competence
- Social and civic competence
- Cultural awareness and expression
- Learning to learn
- Ability to organize teamwork in a balanced way.
Being able to understand and produce texts both individually and in groupwork.
Ability to transmit the information gathered in a sequenced, clear and original way.
There are many interesting activities to be worked online as further practice. Here are some examples:
Ordering food
Vocabulary ESOL courses
Any web presented in the previous section will offer a lot of extra practice on the topic.

This proposal offers different and funny ways to learn and revise vocabulary and expressions about food and drink. Besides, you will have to put them into practice by performing a scene taking place at a restaurant.