This lesson is designed around a short film directed by Annie Rodgers and Aoife Kelleher and commissioned by theBelong To Stand Up! anti-homophobic bullying campaign, and the themes of bullying and discrimination. Students practise expressions using the verb stand, discuss different types of bullying and discrimination, discuss homophobic bullying and read an article on anti-bullying campaign.
1. Write stand up on the board and ask your students if they know what it means. Get feedback and go through the meanings the students suggest.
2. Read the sentences and match them with the definitions. Go through the exercise and discuss the different meanings ofstand up.
3. Tell your students to look at the sentence “It’s time for people who are against discrimination to stand up and be counted.” Divide the class into groups of three or four and ask them to discuss the following questions:
- What different types of discrimination might the speaker be referring to?
- In what ways can people be discriminated against?
- In what ways can people who are against discrimination stand up and be accounted?
4. Hold a plenary discussion based on discrimination and the questions in the previous step.
5. Tell your students they are going to watch a short film titledStand Up in which a type of discrimination is shown and in which we see people stand up and be counted. As they watch the film they should identify the discrimination and how people stand up and be counted.
Show the film.
Tell the learners that the film was commissioned by an organisation Belong To which has a campaign called Stand Up!which fights against homophobic discrimination.
6. Ask your students to discuss the discrimination and how people stand up and be counted.
7. Ask the students what they know about the actor Colin Farrell. Tell them that he has become involved the Stand Up! anti-homophobic campaign.
Show this photo and ask the students what they think the relationship between Colin Farrell and the other man is and how it’s related to the Stand Up! campaign.
8. Tell the learners they are going to read a statement by Colin Farrell. As they read it they should answer the following questions:
- What does Colin Farrell wish for?
- What forms of bullying does he mention?
- What do you think is the relationship between Colin Farrell and the other man in the photo?
Give the students the text.
9. Get feedback on the text and what they think of it and how it makes them feel.
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